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WoW Classic Hardcore Leveling Boost


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Get your Hardcore character to up to level 60 without any stress with Kingboost!

Leveling in Hardcore WoW Classic is beyond tough. The main rule of Hardcore is “death = delete”, or in case with official Hardcore mode “death = moved to regular realm”. That’s right, Hardcore won’t forgive any mistakes. If your character is dead, it’s dead forever on the Hardcore realm. And even though official Hardcore mode is a bit easier than fan-made HC, it is still very challenging and only skilled players with lots of knowledge and luck can make it to the 60 on Hardcore.

Make an order and we’ll safely get your Hardcore character to the desired level!


  • Desired level reached on your Hardcore character, up to level 60;
  • All gold, loot and gear your character will obtain during the boost.


Yeah, we’re not going to lie and will say that this thing could happen. Since death in Hardcore is permanent and your character can only be transferred to a regular realm after its demise, we’ve came up with a following system:

  • Let’s say, you’ve ordered a 1-60 Hardcore leveling;
  • Your character dies at level 50 while our booster is driving it;
  • This character will be moved to the regular realm, what happens to this character after that is completely up to you;
  • We calculate how much 50-60 leveling is worth (the part we didn’t deliver at this point);
  • Let’s say 50-60 hardcore leveling costs as much as a 1-35 leveling;
  • We’ll level up a new character to level 35;
  • You will be able to purchase additional leveling for this character with a good discount.

We think that this system is quite fair to both sides of the deal.


Basic Insurance: Kingboost is responsible only for the level ranges ordered by the client. There can be three options of compensation in case of death on your choice:

New fulfillment of the same order from the same spectrum of levels;

New order fulfillment for a fresh character from level 1 to level X. Level X is the level to which there is enough money to pump up the character based on the initial order purchased.

Monetary compensation for unfulfilled level ranges

Extended Insurance: Kingboost is responsible for boosting all level range. Here are the two possible compensations in case of character death on your choice:

We fulfill the order on a fresh character in case the main character dies and you get a new character with the desired level.

Full refund of the purchase price without the cost of insurance.

Premium Insurance: Kingboost is responsible for all achievements, items, levels, mounts and gold held by the clients character. Or by agreement - for specific parts that the you would like to "insure". In case of death of the character during the service on your choice you will receive:

A character upgrade on all insured parameters in full;

Full refund of the purchase price without the actual provided services.


The simple answer is because we’re good at what we’re doing. You can make sure of that by looking at the reviews from our customers on Trustpilot. And in addition to that, we are ready to match the price if you’ll somehow find the exact same offer with lower price. Just make an order and see for yourself!

If you still have any questions regarding boosts, please text us in the LiveChat.


1-60 Leveling in World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore: A Grueling Journey

World of Warcraft (WoW) Classic is an eagerly awaited release for MMO enthusiasts, offering players a chance to relive the nostalgic experience of the original game. Among the most challenging aspects of WoW Classic is the journey from level 1 to level 60. Known for its difficulty, this leveling process has even been dubbed "hardcore" by some players before, but this time hardcore means some significant changes, with one of the main ones being a single life of your character.

A Demanding Progression:

In WoW Classic, leveling from 1 to 60 requires commitment, patience, and an understanding of the game mechanics. Unlike the current version of WoW, where leveling has been streamlined to accommodate casual players, the original WoW Classic honors a more traditional and demanding approach that requires thoughtful planning, character optimization, and tactical decision-making. And leveling on Hardcore is even more demanding.

Grinding and Questing:

One of the first challenges players encounter is deciding whether to focus on questing or grinding. Questing provides a more immersive experience, as players embark on various adventures and unravel storylines. However, quest availability can sometimes be scarce, leading players to spend hours grinding mobs for experience points instead. This repetitive activity can test one's endurance, especially when facing long respawn timers and competing for limited resources in heavily populated areas.

Escaping Death's Grasp:

Death is an integral part of the leveling process in WoW Classic Hardcore. Even a single mistake or moment of carelessness can result in death, which will end your Hardcore character’s life - you can’t resurrect here! Every decision counts, and precautions must be taken to avoid unnecessary risks.

Dangerous Zones and Elite Mobs:

As players progress through zones, they encounter formidable enemies known as elite mobs. These challenging foes require a group effort to defeat, compelling players to group up or even create impromptu alliances. Additionally, certain zones are designed for higher-level players, posing a constant threat to those attempting to push the boundaries of their current level. Venturing into such areas prematurely can result in swift and ruthless death, underscoring the hardcore nature of the leveling journey.

Time Investment:

WoW Classic's 1-60 leveling experience demands a considerable investment of time. The leveling pace is a stark contrast to modern MMOs, as players must dedicate hours of gameplay to progress through each level. Leveling efficiently often involves meticulously planning routes, understanding the best quests to complete, and deciding when grinding is more advantageous than pursuing a specific quest line. This time-intensive commitment weeds out the faint of heart, attracting players seeking a challenge and a sense of accomplishment.

The Reward:

Despite its difficulty, WoW Classic Hardcore leveling conveys an unmatched sense of achievement. The journey fosters a feeling of camaraderie among players, as they navigate the challenges together. Overcoming the odds and reaching level 60 without dying becomes a badge of honor, symbolizing the dedication and perseverance required to succeed. It is this sense of accomplishment that makes the hardcore leveling experience so enticing to many players.

1-60 leveling in World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore is indeed a genuine test of one's endurance, commitment, knowledge, and skill. It demands careful planning, resilience, and the ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. While the leveling process may be grueling and time-consuming, it is this very difficulty that distinguishes WoW Classic from other contemporary MMOs. Ultimately, the sense of accomplishment and the bonds formed along the leveling journey make the hardcore experience in WoW Classic one that holds a special place in the hearts of its dedicated player base.


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WoW Classic Hardcore Leveling Boost
WoW Classic Hardcore Leveling Boost


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